#179 – Pinball Quest
Has it really been almost a year!? Well how about a pinball RPG then!

It’s a quest, a Pinball Quest!
To Beat: Reach the ending in RPG Mode
Played: 5/31/21 – 6/3/21
Difficulty: 5/10
My Difficulty: 5/10
My Video: Pinball Quest Longplay
The genre mashup is a neat trend in video games that has been around for a long time. It is best done when the resulting game feeds off its inspirations to be better than the sum of its parts. There are plenty of examples and I can think of a few that really hit the right way in recent years. Portal is an obvious example to me, a first-person shooter and puzzle game. Undertale is more than just inspired by Earthbound; it is a bullet hell turn-based RPG. Crypt of the Necrodancer is a rhythm game mixed with a roguelike. You get the idea. Well, the NES has genre mashups for its own. Gumshoe is a light-gun based platformer, and River City Ransom is an open world beat-em-up with RPG elements. Today’s review is on Pinball Quest, a mashup of pinball game and RPG, and I find it quite fascinating!
Pinball Quest is an NES exclusive game. It was developed by TOSE and published by Jaleco in all regions. The initial release was in Japan in December 1989. It was brought over to the US on June 1990, and later it was released in some PAL territories in 1992. Currently there are no ways to play this game besides the original release.
Pinball Quest features four different modes. Three of these modes, Pop! Pop!, Viva! Golf, and Circus are standalone pinball tables. You can play these just for fun with up to 4 people alternating. There are no endings or anything to these modes. I’ll be honest, I barely played these other tables, so we’ll spend just a little bit of time on them toward the end and focus primarily on the main attraction, the RPG Mode. It is the primary way to play this game and the mode that has the ending. This mode is a vertical stack of six tables where you try to progress upward to the top, fighting enemies and bosses on the way to save the captured princess. Clear the topmost table to reach the ending and beat the game.

I spent a lot of time on this starting screen
This game features what I would call standard pinball controls. The flippers are controlled with Left on the D-pad and the A button, for the left and right flippers respectively. You can shake or tilt the table with either Right on the D-pad or the B button. Each table in RPG Mode has at least two places where you can move the flippers up and down the table. Press Up or Down to move the flippers between these locations. The Start button pauses the game. In the RPG Mode, press Select to bring up a list of special items you can use.
The game begins at the first table in the courtyard of the castle. The initial playfield is split into two halves, top and bottom. There are trees and gravestones, a ghost captain that will relay some backstory if you get close enough, and a gate on the left side blocking the upper half of the table. As you make your way up, you’ll want to press Up to move the flippers to the top part of the table. Likewise, should you fall, press Down to put them back at the bottom. The top half of the board has some skeletons walking around that you can bop to disassemble. Once all three are brought down, they reform into a skeleton boss. Each table has a boss encounter like this. On the bottom left you will see the boss’ HP value, which is 18 for this boss. Below that is your attack meter. This will grow as you keep your ball active and attack the enemies on the table. By the time the boss appears, you should have filled some of the attack meter. Every hit into the boss decreases its HP, and having more attack power does more damage. When the boss is defeated, he drops a key. Collect the key to get warped up to the castle door and upward to the next table. If you drop off the very bottom, you get a short message and can continue again for free, as many times as you need. Don’t be too afraid to fail early on since there is no penalty at all here.
Before advancing to the next table, you’ll get the opportunity to use the shop. This shop appears between every table transition. You can skip the shop altogether via the left pipe if you don’t want or need anything. The shop items are various stoppers and flippers. Purchasing any items here get added to your inventory of up to four items. During gameplay, press Select to bring up the list of items, then press A on the one you want to use. Some items require you to choose a location, such as positioning a side stopper on either the left or right side. One neat feature of the shop is the ability to steal items. While it has a low success rate, if you can pull it off, you can get some really nice flippers and stoppers for free. Fail to steal and you’ll lose half of your gold. Perform at your own risk!

Top of the first table and already a boss!
There are four types of stoppers and two types of flippers. The single stopper is a cheap, single use side stopper for only one side per item. Hit it once and it’s gone. The floor stopper is the same thing but it is much more sturdy. It remains for as long as you stay on the current table. The permanent stopper is pretty expensive but it gives you both left and right stoppers that stay while you are on the table. Even better is that this item stays in your inventory and can be used again and again, giving you truly permanent side stoppers the entire game so long as you remember to activate them every table. The center stopper goes between the flippers and lasts until you advance up to the next table. The two pairs of flippers are permanent upgrades that don’t have to be reactivated out of the inventory. The strong flippers add an attack multiplier to your ball, which takes bosses down much faster. The devil flippers add an even higher multiplier and can take bosses out very quickly, but they are flawed. Sometimes the devil flippers will freeze up for a short time, so you’re taking a risk that they might fail on you in a critical spot.
After your shop visit, you’ll head up to the second table, straight to the top half, where Ziffroo the Witch is waiting for you. She has 30 HP, a more formidable foe than the skeleton boss. She is flanked by demon dogs that can get in the way of your attacks. They also fire bubble shots that aim for your flippers and will disable them temporarily on contact. The lower half of the table not only blocks you from the boss but also is a good defense from getting back up to the top. The center drain from the top half is blocked off by one way rocks. The left side doesn’t really give you an easy path back up. There is a drain hole accessible on the right. Hitting that will send you through a chain of drain holes that propel up back to the top half. Defeating the boss opens the door to the third table.
It is worth pointing out here that you can very easily fall back to previous tables, often multiple tables if things go poorly. The table bosses return on every visit at full HP. However, once the door to the next table is opened, it will remain open for the entire game. The bosses block you but you can work around them to advance without defeating them a second time. A few extra bops to the bosses along the way will increase your attack meter, perhaps annoying but beneficial. Also, you never lose any money aside from the stealing penalty. With some intentional play, you will usually end up making some kind of permanent forward progress.
The third table features goblins, several of them. The bottom half is patrolled by two goblin kids and they are interested in your ball. They will try and grab it given the chance, but this isn’t usually a bad thing. While they sometimes attempt to spike your ball through the flippers, they typically carry your ball to the right and deposit it on a lift car that carries you to the top half. With enough damage output, you can also defeat the goblin kids, which is often more trouble than its worth in my experience. The top half of the table contains a couple rows of statues. The statues can be destroyed, just hit them a few times. After most of the statues are cleared, the Goblin King comes to life as the boss of the table. Defeat him to proceed to the fourth table.

Seems pretty risky to steal from this guy, he looks mean …
The next table is a river-themed table featuring turtles and a more interesting structure than previous tables. The turtles saunter back and forth while popping into their shells on occasion, mostly serving to just get in your way. Bop them a few times to clear them away. What you want to do is aim for the hole on the left side to bring you upward and into a horizontal lane guarded by yet another turtle. You’ll normally bonk him and be forced back down through a return hole, but sometimes if the timing is right you can slip by the turtle altogether. When the path is clear you circle around a large drain hole with three smaller holes inside. You’ll fall into one of those holes at random, and the one you want is on the top-right to bring you up to the river. There you wait for a boat to carry you to the boss fight at the top of the table. Sometimes the boat you ride is broken down, in which case you sink into the river and drain back to the bottom of the table. This whole sequence to the top is very random, which gets very frustrating if the game keeps denying you. The boss of this table is a spirit that haunts and animates these suits of armor. You’ll need to defeat all of them one at a time to clear the table, and each subsequent armor has more HP than the one before.
Table five is the throne room table. This one is simple in effects but more winding in layout than all the other tables. There are several different placements of flippers in this one in different formations than the standard flipper pair. To advance in this table, you want to climb all the way up the right side of the table first. You can adjust the flippers as needed to propel yourself all the way up, or you can drop into the hole on the right side to carry you all the way up. There you will fall back down the middle of the board across pegs. Falling through the left side carries you toward the final part of the table on the upper left. A princess on a throne is circled by four monsters. First defeat the monsters, then hit the princess to save her. By saving her, it means turn her into the boss of the table. She flies all over the place and can hurt your flippers as well. Once you take her down, you’ll reveal the stairs to the final table underneath the throne.
The sixth and final table is a boss fight against Beelzebub, the Dark Lord of the Machine, as the manual puts it. There are three lanes in the center with lit candles that can carry you up to the top of the table, or you can pass through and reach the upper flippers if you’re lucky. Beelzebub sits at the top holding his position. He has a pretty devastating skull attack that can lock your flippers up. Do your best to keep up the pressure and you can defeat him to win the game.

The witch and her guard dogs gave me an awful time.
Let’s briefly discuss the three standard tables also available in Pinball Quest: Pop! Pop!, Viva! Golf, and Circus. Pop! Pop! is a simple table with a bowling theme. It’s interesting to note that you need to press Up and Down to set the position of the flippers from the top and bottom just like you do in RPG mode. The top half of the table has a few bumpers and a pair of holes, nothing super notable. The flippers are offset here and the ball tends to go around them most of the time anyway. The bottom of the table is a bit more interesting with bowling pins set up and an entrance to a pool table mini-game. You aim a cursor in 8 directions with the D-pad and try to sink all the balls before you accidentally scratch the cue ball.
Viva! Golf is a golf course theme that is infested by gophers. In this one, the top and bottom flippers are fixed, no moving them around. The top half of the playfield has the hole on the green, along with some other holes and bumpers. There is only a right flipper up here so it is tough to keep the ball up top. The lower part of the playfield has a row of four holes with gophers that occasionally pop out. You need to hit one out of each hole to unlock some bonuses at the top of the playfield. This level also features a water hazard that is very easy to hit. Land there and your ball will eject out of another hole in such a way that you often lose the ball between the lower flippers.
I found Circus to be the most fun of the three standard tables. The main feature of this one is a slot machine that can activate some features of the table, including an extra ball light and a bumper scoring increase. You do have to shuffle the flippers up and down on this table. The top half of the table features four target lanes and some more pop bumpers. The bottom of the table contains the slot machine, some other bumpers, and a side lane back to the top of the table. This table has a center bumper built-in at the bottom, which solves the problem from Viva! Golf with the water hazard. The table also has a bonus game where you throw balls at animals to protect a girl, according to the manual. I was not able to reach this mode despite several tries, but I don’t feel like I’m missing anything truly necessary.
This was my first time playing through Pinball Quest. I was already familiar with the premise of the game from watching others play it briefly, as well as reading up on it from time to time over the years. This was my first time diving in beyond the first table, certainly. This game is not rare, and worth about $10 loose.

Appearances can be deceiving! I appreciate the help!
Beating Pinball Quest has one of the widest possible outcomes of time needed to clear once you know what you are doing. With the unlimited continues and randomized outcomes of some of the tables, it is a constant push and pull to make progress on the board. It’s possible to beat the game in a matter of minutes if things go very well, and it also could take hours if it goes awry. My initial playthrough took a couple of hours, which isn’t bad at all for a first time. I recorded two follow up runs after that to try and improve the video, and both runtimes were around an hour each. The run I kept was just under an hour. I could have grinded out a much more respectable time if I really wanted, but I was ready to move on.
I came up with a way to approach the game that made winning consistent. To do this, you need both the permanent stopper for the side drains and a steady supply of the center stoppers. Better flippers are nice to have, but strictly speaking they are optional. The quickest way to go about this is to steal from the shop at every opportunity! Between the first two tables, you won’t really grind up the cash fast enough to worry about losing it on failed steal attempts. It might take some time to get anything good out of it but I think it’s worth it. The permanent stopper is the real prize here, but getting either of the upgraded flippers was good enough to give up my thieving ways. From there, just keep marching up the table. If you didn’t steal the permanent stopper, save up for that first and foremost, and use it on every table once you get it. The center stoppers are permanent until you change tables. I don’t bother using those at all until I can afford one for the current table plus all others tables ahead. As long as you play carefully, you should not fall back down with both stoppers active.
Pinball Quest is a unique genre mashup that feels very forward thinking, but what I have failed to mention until now is just how janky this game feels. The physics are functional enough but lack any sort of polish. It’s like the ball just wiggles around on its own accord. I haven’t covered the black box Pinball game yet, but it has a very good feel to it for such an early game, and Pinball Quest did not learn any lessons from that whatsoever. Pinball machines in real life are miracles of mechanisms and electronics combined, and in a way, Pinball Quest is its own kind of miracle in that it manages to function in spite of itself. The gameplay concept is just so neat that it covers for its technical shortcomings. The graphics, music, and controls are all adequate, nothing at all flashy but good enough. I really like what they did with the ending, it feels wholly out of place, but I dig it. I don’t mean to rag on this game too hard right at the end, I just want to be clear that I think Pinball Quest is a good game with some obvious issues. I believe it is worth your time to give it a try and see if it might be fun for you!