#131 – Werewolf: The Last Warrior
Ripping straight out of your NES!

Didn’t even realize this game had a 2-player mode!
To Beat: Reach the ending
Played: 7/25/19 – 8/1/19
Difficulty: 8/10
My Difficulty: 8/10
My Video: Werewolf: The Last Warrior Longplay
I’m just going to say this right away. I think Werewolf: The Last Warrior is gonna be my favorite NES Box Art of 2019. The obvious element is the giant werewolf ripping out of the cover, but look closely and you will see that he bursts right out of an NES cart. You can make out the gray lines and the chips on the green circuit board inside. At this time, very few people took the carts apart to see what was inside because new carts didn’t need to have the pins cleaned. I bet this aspect of the cover was underappreciated. Some other parts of the cover I like are the red text on yellow background for contrast and the huge claws on the werewolf. With a box cover so awesome, the game inside has to be equally good, right?
Werewolf: The Last Warrior debuted on the NES in November 1990. The game was developed and published by Data East, with development credit given to Sakata SAS. The Famicom release came later in June 1991, published by Takara. There the game was called Cho Jinro Senki Wourufu, translating to Super Werewolf Chronicle Warwolf. Europe also saw an NES release in September 1991.
In this game, you play as Chief WarWolf. The evil Dr. Faryan has created a bunch of bio-monsters that have imprisoned nearly everyone in the world. Guess who is the only hope for civilization? With the help and powers of the Great Spirit, you can become Werewolf which will give you the abilities needed to defeat Faryan and save humanity from his evil schemes. There are five stages in the game, culminating in the final battle with Faryan. Beat all the levels to beat this game.

Most of the cutscenes involve this guy.
This is your typical platforming game with a mostly familiar control scheme. An obvious downside right off the bat is that you attack with A and jump with B. I have no idea why developers did this as the convention of using A to jump and B to attack was the de facto standard. I’ve played games long enough to be able to handle it no problem, but otherwise there is this artificial learning curve added for no real reason other than to be different. The rest of the controls are fine. Press the D-pad directions to move around. You can duck with Down and climb ladders with Up. The A button does a simple punch and you can punch high while standing or punch low while ducking. You also wield a Power Ray as a charge attack by holding A to charge and letting go to unleash the attack. Pressing B jumps normally, but you can do a higher jump if you hold Up while pressing B. Start pauses the game. While paused, you can press Select to show your score and number of lives remaining.
At the start of the game, you meet the Great Spirit. The game switches over to a brief cutscene where the Great Spirit gives you some advice. Immediately after this you are thrown into a fight with one of Faryan’s death slaves. This enemy has a health bar displayed at the bottom and is a recurring mini-boss throughout the game. Defeat him and he will leave behind a red W. Collecting this item turns you into Werewolf. Then you get another cutscene where you see his transformation. Don’t worry, this scene only happens the first time you transform.
In Werewolf form, you have several new options available. You maintain this form until you are at about a quarter of health remaining. By default, your attacks are twice as strong as normal. Your Power Ray now attacks everything on screen via a shock wave, but this deals you a lot of damage just to perform the move. You also get four new movement abilities. You can crawl into tunnels too big for you to enter normally. Simply walk into the tunnel to start crawling. You can perform a backflip that makes you invincible to all attacks by pressing both A and B together. You can climb walls in Werewolf form. Simply jump into a wall to cling to it. Now you can climb the wall by pressing either Up or Down. To get off, you press the direction opposite the wall and press B to jump off. Lastly, you can cling and hand-walk along ceilings with your claws. Jump up to the ceiling, then hold Up and press A to dig your claws in. Then you can use Left or Right to move across the ceiling and press Down to disembark. Getting hooked is tough. You have to connect just as you are falling from the top of your jump so that you touch the ceiling with the tip of your claws.

This early spot is tough when you don’t know how to ceiling walk.
There is an anger meter at the bottom of the screen. You collect these tiny, white bubbles that add a notch to your anger meter. When the meter hits five bubbles, then you transform into Super Werewolf. In this mode, you have all the same powers and abilities as Werewolf, but your attacks double in strength, you move faster, and you jump incredibly high. The downside is that this mode is temporary as the bubbles gradually decrease. (I guess they pop?) Once you run out of bubbles, you switch back to Werewolf mode until you collect enough bubbles for another transformation.
There are several other items you can collect in this game. Finding items is weird. Some of them are dropped by enemies, and others you find by striking objects in the levels. Sometimes these locations are obvious, like posts or boxes. Other times you find items by hitting ledges or other places you might not expect. It doesn’t hurt to attack random things just in case. Anyway, here are the other items to look out for. Small hearts heal one health point while large hearts are full health refills. Little red bubbles defeat all enemies onscreen. Big red bubbles make you invincible for a little while. Why bubbles are so powerful in this game, I have no idea. Hourglasses give you more time, dollar signs add points, and 1ups are obvious. Some enemies drop a bullet behind that gives you a single shot attack of your own with A.
The final item you need to watch out for are the blue W’s. While red W’s upgrade you to Werewolf, the blue ones downgrade you. They take you from Super Werewolf back to Werewolf, or from Werewolf back to plain War Wolf form. If you grab one as War Wolf, it deals a significant amount of damage. Therefore, you want to avoid these at all costs. The game puts you in some situations where if you reveal a blue W, you are forced to pick it up to proceed. Just be careful. The manual suggests there is a way to somehow use both a blue W and a red W to go directly to Super Werewolf. I have no idea how or if that works, and I didn’t find any information about that mechanic.

Knock stuff around until you find the good items.
The levels in this game are usually laid out a specific way. Stages move from Left to Right with a few exceptions. Stages also typically have a high section and a low section. You can find ladders to climb between sections and sometimes you can choose between the upper path or lower path all the way through the stage. This can add some replay value if you want to try a different path and it lets you experiment to find the best way through a level. All levels end in a boss fight with one of Faryan’s stronger creatures.
This game treats lives as continues. When you fall into a pit or run out of health, it is Game Over. If you have any lives remaining, then you can Continue from the Game Over screen or select End to start over. When you run out of lives, the game puts you at the same screen only you are forced to choose End. You start the game with three lives. You can earn more by collecting 1up items or for every 50,000 points earned. Every time you die your score goes back to 0, so you are incentivized to play well enough early to earn more lives for later.
This was my first time beating Werewolf: The Last Warrior. I sort of remember testing this game out one time and playing until I died, which didn’t take too long that time. I might have went further if I knew the controls. I bought my cart copy of the game at a game store about an hour away from home that I have only visited one time. I think I paid either $7 or $8 for it. The game sells now for around $10 which I believe is the same as the going rate was when I bought mine.

Boss fights are much better as Super Werewolf
Beating this game was yet another installment in the series of “making incremental progress each playthrough.” The first stage has at least a couple of spots that are tough to pass until you get a grip of the controls and all the moves you have available. The worst stopping point was the waterfall stage. This is one of those two-tiered horizontal levels where the lower section is all water. Evidently, in this universe, werewolves cannot swim, so once you fall in you have to watch yourself drown. There are leaping fish that can easily knock you in the drink, in part because you have a tough time hitting enemies in the air. Their placements are not quite consistent either. It makes for a tough section and you can bleed your remaining lives away in a flash. Some other parts of the game aren’t much easier, but the waterfall was the worst I experienced. I could have knocked the difficulty down a point or two if that stage were easier. Still, completing the game in a week isn’t all that bad and it was a straightforward game to boot.
What I will remember most about Werewolf: The Last Warrior is how janky the game is. I’ve already mentioned a few of these instances of jankiness, such as B button jumping, tricky ceiling clinging, and the seemingly random locations of hidden items. There are plenty more. The backflip maneuver is very helpful in crossing some parts where taking damage is eminent, since you are invincible during the flip. One downside of that is that there are two forced jumps associated with the move, and if you didn’t plan carefully, you could leap right into a pit. Another quirk is that during a backflip, the screen does not scroll ahead. You can backflip all the way to the right and then walk against the right side of the screen, leaving you completely defenseless to the dangers right in front of you. Bosses soak up a lot of damage before going down and end up being very repetitive as a result. Super Werewolf status makes them pretty manageable, but you may only build up to that state once or twice in the whole game. If you are plain War Wolf, forget even trying to fight a boss. Your attacks have one-fourth the power of Super Werewolf, and even if you play the fight perfectly you will probably run out of time before winning anyway. There are still other minor nuisances that don’t even make a blip compared to these issues.
Werewolf: The Last Warrior is a game that falls short of most other NES platformers. I would say the graphics are just average. Most of the sprites are large and detailed. The Werewolf character has a lot of different poses and such for all the moves available. The music is pretty decent. My favorite song is the one that plays when you are normal War Wolf, but unfortunately the more you hear that song the worse you are playing. The controls take some getting used to with the B button jumping and handling specific moves like backflips and wall climbing. The gameplay has some notable flaws. The jumping is rather stiff and favors more vertical leaping than horizontal, which is tough considering most of the game is horizontal scrolling. Bosses and some enemies take way too many hits to defeat, leaving the timer as more of a threat here than in other games. You can tell that Ninja Gaiden was an inspiration for this game with things like its interstitial cutscenes and wall climbing moves. Those are some huge shoes to fill, and in my opinion, Werewolf isn’t half as good as Ninja Gaiden. It’s not terrible and there are sure to be some people that will go to bat for the game, but I’d rather play something else.