Get your cardboard box ready.

One of the most briefly shown title screens ever.
To Beat: Reach the ending
Played: 12/14/19 – 12/27/19
Difficulty: 7/10
My Difficulty: 7/10
My Video: Metal Gear Longplay
Metal Gear is one of those long beloved series in all of video games. It didn’t really start out that way though. It didn’t catch on until Metal Gear Solid came out on PlayStation, which in my opinion was the turning point for the series and elevated creator Hideo Kojima to auteur status. While not normally my kind of game, I have played some of the Metal Gear Solid series. Therefore, I came into Metal Gear on NES knowing the sensibilities of the Metal Gear series but not so much how to approach or play this particular entry. How much of Metal Gear Solid and its ideas originated from earlier titles like this one? I doubt I’ll be able to answer that question, but I can provide some background information and my thoughts on how this game played.
The first Metal Gear released on the MSX2 in Japan in July 1987. It was developed and published by Konami and designed and directed by Hideo Kojima. Metal Gear was quickly ported to Famicom for release in December 1987, and it reached the NES in North America in June 1988 and Europe in 1989. The North American version was the first NES game Konami published under the Ultra Games label.
The overarching story of Metal Gear is already fairly well known, and the NES version does not differ much from it. You play the role of Solid Snake, a fresh recruit of the special forces unit called FOXHOUND, who is sent on a special mission codenamed Intrude N313 by his commanding officer Big Boss. FOXHOUND’s best agent, Gray Fox, was previously sent to a fortress near South Africa called Outer Heaven run by an evil dictator. Gray Fox was to investigate Outer Heaven and neutralize any imminent threats found within, however, FOXHOUND lost contact of Gray Fox. Solid Snake has been sent to find out what happened to Gray Fox. I’m jumping ahead a bit, but a little while into the game you find out Outer Heaven is housing a weapon of mass destruction called Metal Gear, a walking tank capable of firing nuclear weapons from anywhere in the world. Your mission then is to destroy Metal Gear.

It’s always important to have good communication.
Metal Gear, the game, is a top-down action-adventure game. Solid Snake is controlled with the D-pad and he can move in four directions. Press the B button to punch. The A button fires weapons though you do not start out with any. The Start button simply pauses the game, while the Select button brings up a selection menu.
The game begins with you being airdropped into the jungle. Upon arriving you are immediately called via your transmitter as the word “CALL” is flashed at the bottom of the screen. Press Select to bring up the menu, then choose “TRANS” to use your transmitter. There you will automatically receive a message from Big Boss. He gives you the frequency on the transmitter where you can reach him again if needed. After the message is over you’ll hear this super-annoying horn sound. At this time, you can tune the transmitter to help you send or receive messages. Use Left and Right on the D-pad to scan through frequencies 120.00 through 120.99. If someone is already trying to reach you, simply landing on the proper frequency will deliver the message automatically. If you want to reach out yourself, tune the frequency and then press Up to switch to Send mode. Solid Snake will call for help and in the right situation with the right frequency you will make contact and get a message back. As you can imagine, using the transmitter is good for advancing the story and getting tips on forward progress. When you are all done, press Select to go back to the action.
Your first task is to proceed through the jungle, moving downward through several screens. Here you get a taste of using stealth to make your way forward without being noticed. If you walk in front of a soldier, he sees you and puts the game into an alert state. Firing a noisy weapon also draws attention to you. Defeating all the enemies on screen or simply moving to the next screen is enough to escape the alert state and go back to quiet. Until then, all enemies start moving in on you. Soldiers have guns and aren’t afraid to use them. If some enemies are left alone long enough, other enemies may start appearing and make things more difficult. Of course, you can avoid alert state by staying out of line of sight. You can punch enemies three times without them seeing you to take them out and stay quiet. You can also wait for soldiers to leave or fall asleep, giving you an edge. The third screen of the game introduces you to guard dogs that go alert when you get near, which always happens. I found it is best to be as quiet as possible and avoid confrontation, but it is helpful to know how to navigate the alert state as it is hard to avoid sometimes.

Sneaking isn’t easy in close quarters.
Getting out of the jungle is not an easy task. Not only is this first part of the game pretty challenging, it was also a little unclear how to get out of the jungle at all. Go down far enough and you reach a fence locked off by a gate that you can’t open. It turns out you need to enter a covered truck simply by approaching it from the back. If you’re like me and didn’t know about that until the end of the section, it’s a good idea to go back and investigate the other ones you passed as some of them contain items or weapons. When you have something usable, you can go into the menu and equip it. There are two screens for this, one for weapon selection and the other for item selection. The weapon selection screen shows all weapons you’ve collected as well as ammo for each. Simply point the cursor to the weapon you want, then press Select to leave the menu and equip your new weapon. Choosing an item from the item selection screen functions in much the same way. Sometimes items, such as rations, must be used from this screen with the A button. A few items are equipped permanently without you selecting it, but most items need to be selected to be used outside of the menu. Anyway, one of the trucks in the jungle transports you in front of the first building.
Most of the game is spent inside of buildings. These can have pretty large layouts with multiple floors, so creating a map might be helpful, or maybe you can do what I did and memorize the basic structure. To get inside of the initial building to begin with, you need to locate and equip a keycard. Many of the rooms inside the buildings are behind locked doors that require some keycard. These secured rooms hold a majority of the weapons and items in the game. More commonly you will find ammunition for your weapons or rations for restoring your health. You can also find captured soldiers, who you can free simply by walking up to them. They will sometimes give you advice or at the very least a thank you. For every five captured soldiers you free, you go up in rank. Increasing your rank increases the size of your health bar as well as letting you hold more ammo. You can go up to four stars in rank, and you need that rank to finish the game. If you shoot and kill a hostage, then you go down in rank, so don’t do that.

Be someone’s hero today.
There are several weapons in the game. You can fire standard bullets with either a handgun or machine gun. The handgun shoots straight while the machine gun fires bullets one at a time in a spread pattern. A grenade launcher and a rocket launcher fire their respective shots. Plastic explosives blow up on a timer, while mines explode on contact with an enemy. There is a remote-controlled missile. When firing this weapon, you sit still while you set the rocket’s direction with the D-pad. You can also pick up a silencer for your handgun and machine gun so that you can use them without causing alerts.
You will acquire roughly a screen full of items of all sorts. Many of these are the card keys, and some of them are items that open up progress in a part of the game, which makes them just like keys. I won’t go through all of the items but a few of them have different uses. The binoculars let you peek into an adjacent room briefly to see its layout. A mine detector lets you see hidden enemy mines in a few screens. Infrared goggles allow you to see invisible lasers that alert the enemy when touched. A gas mask lets you breathe in a gas-filled room so that you don’t suffer any damage. The antidote is good for curing poison if you get bitten by a spider. Not everything is required to beat the game, but it’s a good idea to pick up whatever you find.
When you die, you can choose to Continue or End. Continuing puts you at a checkpoint with all of your stuff intact. Evidently checkpoints are determined by your rank, not by your equipment or by distance reached. This means a one-star rank puts you back all the way at the start, which is definitely frustrating when you’ve reached deep into the building. Choose End to see your password. Passwords are 25 characters long consisting of all capital letters and numbers 1-6. This is a game where the passwords store all of your information, such as weapons, items, hostages saved, and even your ammo counts. Part of the password is a checksum just to ensure you have entered a valid password and aren’t just typing in random stuff on the password screen to try and skip ahead. This game takes several hours to play through for the first time and so passwords are appreciated.

There are plenty of traps, some often unseen.
This was my first time playing through Metal Gear. I knew about this game and read about it a lot in old gaming magazines. I never ran into a copy back then, but then later when I got one I didn’t play it past the first few screens. I was more intrigued by it conceptually than I was interested in actually playing it. That was how I felt about the Metal Gear Solid games too. However, years ago I decided to finally buy Metal Gear Solid: The Essential Collection on PS2 and played through all three games at that time. I struggled through them but wanted to see them all to the finish. I suppose that satiated me as I haven’t touched Metal Gear again until now.
Playing through Metal Gear on NES for the first time was an interesting experience. The first stretch of the game is tough on a new player and the game doesn’t open up until you get through the jungle. I really got into it once I reached the first building. At that point, Metal Gear starts to feel like a dungeon crawler. I explore the building, getting a little bit further each time and picking up new items that make future runs easier. I caught my groove in the middle part of the game before getting hung up some toward the end. I have the map that was included with the NES game, and I looked at it once or twice just to make sure I understood the layout of the game. This wasn’t a spoiler free playthrough because I needed to look up the solutions to the maze zones. It was frustrating that the game didn’t tell you anywhere what to do there, and I gave up trying to figure it out on my own. I would say my time with the game was fun with a few annoying parts.
I was able to record a full playthrough of Metal Gear. My first time through the game took about 8 hours or so. The second time for my longplay was much faster at around 1 hour and 45 minutes. The game really isn’t all that big once you know where everything is and how to navigate the buildings. I wanted to beat the game without dying but I didn’t quite get there. I died once to the tank by mistake in the middle of the game. I also died a few times trying to get through the dark rooms with all the holes. I only cleared that part once in my first playthrough and I don’t think I ever found the right strategy for it. That section is completely skippable, so after a few deaths, I went the long way around just to get it done. I’m not completely happy with this run but it is good enough.

Don’t get run over like I did.
It’s hard to play this game without noticing how glitchy and unpolished it is, so I want to list some things I took note of during my time playing. The most obvious characteristic of the game is its poor English translation. Some examples are the well-known “I feel asleep!” and “The truck have started to move.” This lack of grammar and spelling is all over this game, some things more obvious than others. The card system has a major flaw in that doors require a certain card and only that card can be equipped to open the door. There’s no indication what card is needed, and there are eight cards total, so you have to go in and out of the menu over and over swapping cards until you find the right one. It is possible to reach late game sections early in the game and that causes some weird things to happen. I had my transmitter go off only to pull up the transceiver to nothing. Something happened to one of the characters and I presumed them dead though you can backtrack and communicate with them as if nothing happened. There are also hints you can only get once when you rescue prisoners. If you speed through the text or skip it, then it’s gone, and it might have been a vital clue for what to do next. All of these things detracted from my enjoyment of the game a little bit.
There’s one more oddball thing about Metal Gear that has nothing to do with the game itself. I’ve mentioned screw variants before on this blog. To quickly recap, early NES games had five screws holding both sides of the cartridge together, and sometime in late 1987 the molds changed to a three-screw design for all future licensed NES carts. Metal Gear was released long after three-screw carts were the standard, but somehow a few copies out there are in the five-screw form factor and I happen to own two of them. These late five-screw variants are exclusively Konami or Ultra published titles, and all of them are missing the Caution label on the back of the cart. These carts technically should not exist, but there are a couple of theories. One is that these are refurbished games that were sent back for repair and they were fixed using leftover five-screw shells. Another theory is that these were sample carts used for demos or in kiosks. Whatever the case may be, these are very hard to find, and I am not sure if every Konami game has one of these variants as some have not yet been discovered. Variant collectors will pay a lot of money for these. I have a few others in my collection that I’ll mention when I play those games in the future.
Metal Gear is a game that both has a lot going for it and has a lot holding it back. The graphics are very nice with lots of detail. Even though the color scheme is a lot of green, brown, and gray, it still looks good to me. I am not a fan of the font with the empty lines across almost every character. I think the music is good. The controls function appropriately with clean design. The gameplay is fun and engaging, and I enjoyed exploring the buildings and sneaking past the guards. I can see why this was a popular game for its time. All the glitches and weird inconsistencies I mentioned before break the immersion a little bit. Snake only moves and attacks in four directions which feels limiting, though at least the enemies behave the same way. This is a game that will grab you by its story and its exploration, and it’s safe to say it delivered for me in both those departments.

#142 – Metal Gear